Monday, October 15, 2012

Do Over

There are some instances in life where in it forces you to reassess your goals and evaluate what your current standing is in achieving your dreams.  It's inevitable, as we all know, to come upon certain road blocks on your wild and scary highway to personal success.  Challenges will forever be present.  Some challenges may even prove to be beneficial towards your goal, but there are challenges that can be so devastating that it tends to derail you from your path.  No matter how many times we get knocked off to the side of the road, we more often than not need to rest, regain strength and re-align our coordinates.  If and when we get lost, some of us retrace our steps and go back to where it was familiar and comfortable.  When we get back to that spot where it made a lot of sense, we start over and carry on.  A lot of things can happen in your life (painful or otherwise pleasurable) that make you wish you could do it over. I'm currently wanting to do a lot of do-overs...including this blog.  It was originally created to get me a few extra bucks but its been abandoned for quite a long time now.  It may have been a lack of vision or one of the more worn out cliches "I got lazy" that propelled me to stop blogging on this site.  Instead of completely abandoning this blog and throwing it into the abyss of un-visited URL's, I've decided a do-over would be more righteous.  This time around, it will definitely be more personal.  I've changed the unambitious "Pop Cult by G!" title to an excerpt from one of the books of my favorite authors, Dr. Seuss.  Both the blog title and blog description are from McElligot's Pool.  If you've read the book, you'll know its about patience and maintaining a demeanor of optimism for greater and bigger things ahead.  So, by now you'd have gained insight on what this overhauled blog will be about.  I will be sharing stories on my search and practice for patience and my growing faith & spirituality.  I am currently excited about sharing my stories of discovering "the bigger things" in life. I'm hoping you keep me company in this adventure. ,-)

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