Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Consortium of Randomness Part 2 (May 12 Post)

I kind of live in a community that still has a healthy ecosystem. How do I know it’s healthy? We have frogs and snakes slithering & hopping around the neighborhood, which according to others is a sign of a thriving environment. The rain really poured today which is great ‘coz that means cooler weather and I don’t have to water the plants, but it also means I have to give the dog a bath tomorrow ‘coz it has been sleeping on wet muddy ground. The rainy season also tends to bring out the croakers, so right now I’m typing to creepy frog music which is why I should wrap this up as early as possible if I want to be able to try and sleep through frogs serenade.

Random Fact #1:
I tend to get a bit obsessive compulsive when it comes to cleaning dishes. You’d think that since water & detergent flow through the sink & into the drain that the sink would be clean. My Aunt, a public health officer, informed me that studies have shown higher levels of bacteria in a kitchen sink compared to that of a toilet bowl. Can you imagine that!? Your bathroom throne is actually cleaner than where you rinse your plates, glasses & spoons! It is advisable that if you were to, for example drop a piece of fruit into the sink while peeling or cleaning it that you throw it away instead of rinsing it off. Just imagine that it’s like dropping your food into the sewer. So remember…don’t rinse it just drop it, it’ll save you from the ordeal of Leaky Ass Syndrome.

Random Fact #2:
I’m trying to eat right and healthy as part of my “getting fit” regimen so I completely cut out rice from my diet and replaced it with whole wheat bread only to find out that 2 slices of bread is equivalent to 1 cup of rice!!! Maybe I should just starve myself to slimhood with cereal! =c

TV Knowledge #1:
Moths, like birds also migrate. So beware of killer moths from Africa! (Another horror movie waiting to happen) =p

Stating the Bleeding Obvious:

I love how this movie was filmed. I’ll call it a masterpiece of moving fine art photography. This movie can get really heavy, emotionally. I just hate how it made me cry! =p

--Kite Runner—
The story was nice. It’s simple and not overbearing. It dragged a bit but maybe because I was expecting more blood, terror, & war since the setting was Kabul & Pakistan. This movie made me cry more than Atonement did though.

---I’m a crybaby!!!--- >_<

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